SPM English Tuition (COVID-19 Lockdown)

Dear reader,

I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time – and practising social distancing when you’re not staying at home! I know that many of you are unable to attend school right now, or for the foreseeable future. I want to try and play my part to make this time a little easier.

From now onwards, I will be opening a Google form where you can register your details and tell me your concerns/problem topics for SPM English. After the form has closed, I intend to make WhatsApp groups (and possibly Zoom calls) where we can discuss and work on these topics together and make your overall abilities in writing, reading and speaking English that much stronger.

If you are interested, please click the link below:


Thank you for reading this, and remember that you can always reach out to me at nuramalina3108@gmail.com if you require any further assistance or have any questions about this.



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